A nice article in Dutch magazine Architectenpunt about our durable fabric PETFLAG:
successful launch of our durable fabric
Official launch of PETFLAG on Thursday 1 June at the specialist flag maker in Dokkum
Dokkumer Vlaggen Centrale and Semaphore Signs from Schiedam are the first companies in the world to introduce flags made from recycled PET bottles to the market. A unique and innovative product, bearing a powerful sustainability statement. On Thursday 1 June a presentation will be held in Dokkum, with a number of prominent “green” speakers.
CSR Netherlands, Plastic Whale and I-Did Slow Fashion Movement will share their perspective on sustainability, recycling and circular textile products. Textile designer Claudy Jongstra is also fully behind this sustainable initiative: both companies will enter into an innovative partnership with the artist for her new project, Waste-No Waste, in Groningen.
Sustainable enterprise is a key factor at Semaphore and DVC. For many years now Semaphore has been involved in the production and distribution of the Blue Flag. “Blue Flag is an organisation that highlights sustainability awareness on beaches and at marinas. Together with Blue Flag, the objective has always been to make the flags as sustainably as possible. One dream was to make the flags from recycled textile,” says Jaap Groen, director of Semaphore Signs.
That dream kick-started this unique “green” partnership with Dokkumer Vlaggen Centrale. DVC identified this need and demand of its client base. Furthermore, the company also feels it must use polyester responsibly, in light of the millions of flags that are manufactured each year. Following an inspiring session the decision was taken to jointly develop a sustainable solution. Robert-Jan Hageman, director of DVC: “We imposed an important caveat upon that: the textile had to be sufficiently white for printing. We found the solution in the exceptional 100% recycled PET bottle textile, and the PETFLAG® was born!”
The first PETFLAGS® made using PET bottle textile will be officially handed over at the debut to launching customer Jumbo Dokkum.